What is Acupuncture and Moxibustion?

Acupuncture and Moxibustion (or just Acupuncture) is a main branch of Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicines which focuses on balancing mind, body, and spirit through surface manipulation.  First written about in the “Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor “ (or Huangdi Neijing, c250 BCE), the practice was most recently codified by the Maoist Chinese regime in the 1950s as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and seeks to balance and move the meridians of the body to achieve health and harmony.  


How is Acupuncture practiced?

Most commonly using filiform (or solid) needles to puncture the skin in order to stimulate acupoints that regulate the qi (or energy) of the body.  Moxibustion refers to burning an herb, derived from the mugwort plant, on needle tops, directly on an acupoint, or simply held near a point to increase energy in a particular area or meridian.

Acupuncturists also practice fire-cupping (or other forms of cupping), guasha (pr. “Gwa-shaw”, or skin scraping), and a variety of acupressure techniques.  Any of these practices may be used in a session, but none are guaranteed in any given session.

What can Acupuncture Treat?

After years of compiling research, the World Health Organization published a list of dozens of conditions that are proven to be helped by acupuncture and that are shown to be helped by acupuncture but more research is needed. In a nutshell, acupuncture is helpful in cases of relieving pain, releasing muscular tension, and cooling inflammation.  The 92 page report is out of print but is archived by the British Acupuncture Council, and was an important part of forming the WHO Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine Strategy.

Acupuncture Melange

Sessions with David can involve a variety of techniques and modalities. This can include acupuncture, acupressure, reiki, tuina, shiatsu, qigong, fire cupping, and/or guasha. What modalities are used will vary by person and need, meaning that no two sessions are necessarily the same. While the backbone of Davids practice is acupuncture, this use of mixed modalities not only enhances an acupuncture session, but allows for treatments that are entirely needle free!

Rates/ fees

Initial interviews are 20 minutes and free of charge, allowing clients and clinicians to share/gather general history and determine if it’s a good fit (if not, prospective clients will be offered 3+ reasonable referrals)



  • Initial Phone Consultation: FREE

  • 60 minute session: $180

    • Session 4-Pack: $600 (must be used in 60 days)

  • "Group" Treatment: $100/person (for 2-4 people)

@ 149 E Harvard Suite 401, Fort Collins, CO

  • Initial session (90 min): $120

  • 60 minute session: $80

  • 90 minute session: $120